3. Analytical Skill Development

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1. data science and machine learning.pdf
10. Environment Impact Assessment workshop.pdf
11. Debajyoti Choudhury.pdf
12. Seminar on hig power thz generation.pdf
13. Basic quantum Mechanics.pdf
14. Expert talk on Merges of space and physiotherapy- Past- Present and Future.pdf
15. Seminar on Electrical Enlightening of Cortex through non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS).pdf
17. Expert Talk IPR implication for physiotherapy.pdf
18. Hands on workshop on SPSS.pdf
19. ExpertLectureDesignofBridges.pdf
2. hands on training.pdf
20. ExpertTalkBuilding Information Modelling-A New Paradigm.pdf
21. Hands-on-Workshop on Surveying Techniques of Agricultural Land.pdf
22. OutreachActivity_Awareness about Electric Mobility Solutions & Sanitary Drainage Systems.pdf
23. Site Visit at KPD Developers, Sector 38, Gurugram.pdf
24. Workshop_Advance Features of QGIS Software.pdf
25. WorkshopAnalysis of Structure and Detailing through Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software 2.pdf
26. WorkshopApplication of GIS in Civil Engineering and Agricultural Sciences.pdf
27. WorkshopBasic Surveying Method.pdf
28. WorkshopIntroduction to GIS and QGIS 1.pdf
29. WorkshopTotal Station & Plotting from Survey Measurements.pdf
3. image processing.pdf
30. FNUR ECG Interpretation.pdf
31. Innovative Nursing Research Design.pdf
32. Report IMNCI EVENT-1.pdf
33. IQAC report on sleep difficulty and its management.pdf
34. Report of autism workshop words.pdf
35. neuro electrical.pdf
36. Emerging trends & innovation in modern nedical imaging.pdf
37. Laboratories- Academic and Industrial.pdf
38. Marking of Progressive Lenses.pdf
39. Permission for Laboratory VIsit.pdf
4. Importance of statistics in data science.pdf
40. Event on Logo Manthan.pdf
41. International Business plan.pdf
42. Quiz- O- Mania, Management Quiz Contest.pdf
43. FMHS Facial Aesthetics.pdf
5. Introduction to modeling matlab.pdf
6. mobile forensic report.pdf
7. Industrial Visit_Anton Paar.pdf
8. Industrial Visit THSTI.pdf
9. Role of molecular Docking.pdf