0124-2278183 -185

Mr. Ashwani Pundeer | Faculty Member of Clinical Psychology

IQACMr. Ashwani Pundeer | Faculty Member of Clinical Psychology
Name Mr. Ashwani Pundeer
Punch Line Awareness is the key for success
Designation Assistant Professor
Email cp.ashwini@gmail.com
Mobile Number 7543048684
Educational Qualification: Program Year of Passing Board /University
Bachelors B.A 2005 Gurukul Kangri UniverisityHardwar,U.K
Masters (Specialization) M.A 2007 G.K.V Hardwar,U.K
Doctorate (Specialization) Ph.D (Clinical Psychology) Pursing Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Scinces, Kanke, Ranchi
Any Other Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology
Mphil (Clinical Psychology)
Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi
Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences, Kanke, Ranchi
Work Experience:(in Years)  
Total 7
Academics 4
Any Other 3
Recognition and awards  
Membership of Associations:
Awards & recognitions: 1. Received the best paper presentation award titled in 42th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychology 2016
2. Received the best paper presentation award of the conference in 3rd Annual International Conference on 15th June to 16th June 2013, Haridwar (U.K), organized by SMBS India and SMBS Canada at Le Grand hotel, Haridwar
3.Secured second position in M.A (Psychology) in Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand.
4. Secured first position in Certificate in Yoga (CIY) from G. K. University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand
5. “C” certificate holder in NCC.
6. Worked (3 years) as a volunteer & as a camp leader in National Service Scheme (NSS).
7. Received many awards(1st, 2ed & 3ed price) in Debate competitions & speech competitions at the Inter-University level organized by many universities such as Delhi University, Punjab University, and Gurukul Kangri University etc.
Editor of any Scientific Journal/ member of editorial board
Fund received/ Grant received:
Any Other
Research guidance:  
Master’s 2
Ph D
M.Phil 5
No. of papers published:  
National: 4
International: 3
Book Chapter (s):
Book Authored:
Any Other
No.: Attended  
Conferences: 13
Guest Lectures Delivered: 2
Resource Person /Chairperson in a session: 3
Event(s) organized by department: 1
Any Other
Any Other Information