0124-2278183 -185

Mrs. Khushbu | Nursing Department

IQACMrs. Khushbu | Nursing Department
Name: Mrs. Khushbu
Punch Line:
Designation: Assisstant professor
Email: Khsushbhu.nursing@sgtuniversity.org 
Mobile Number 9971130504
Educational Qualification: Program Year of Passing Board /University
Bachelors 4 year 2010 krukshetra university, Kurukshetra
Masters (Specialization) 2 year ( child health (peadiatric )nursing) 2013 Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Fridkot
Doctorate (Specialization)
Any Other
Work Experience: (in Years) 7 year 3 months
Academics 7 year 3 months
Any Other
Recognition and awards
Membership of Associations: Trained nurses association of India
Awards & recognitions:
Editor of any Scientific Journal/ member of editorial board
Fund received/ Grant received:
Any Other
Research guidance:
1. A pre- experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding the secondary growth and development changes in early adolescent period (10-14 yrs.) among students of selected govt. Schools of Haryana .
2. A study to evaluate the effect of demonstration by medium fedility simulator (MPS) versus Manikin on the retention of birthing knowledge and skills among students in selected nursing Institution of Gurugram NCR.
Ph D:
No of papers published: Attached
National: 1
International: 3
Book Chapter (s): clinical practical experience record for GNM nursing
Book Authored: Ms. Khushbu Saharan, Ms. Richa
Any Other
No.: Attended
Conferences: 12
Guest Lectures Delivered:
Resorece Person /Chairperson in a session:
Event(s) organized by department: 3
Any Other  
Any Other Information