0124-2278183 -185

Mrs. Kavita pillai | Nursing Department

IQACMrs. Kavita pillai | Nursing Department
Name: Mrs. Kavita pillai
Punch Line:
Designation: Lecturer
Email: kavita.nursing@sgtuniversity.org
Mobile Number 9575334742
Educational Qualification: Program Year of Passing Board /University
Bachelors post Basic B.Sc nsg 2009 Rani durgawati vishwavidhyalaya, Jabalpur(M.P)
Masters (Specialization) 2 year ( Medical Surgical Nursing) 2016 Govt. college of Nursing, Raipur (C.G)
Doctorate (Specialization)
Any Other
Work Experience: (in Years) 8 years 6 month
Academics 3 year 6 months
Industry 5 years
Any Other
Recognition and awards
Membership of Associations: Trained nurses association of India
Awards & recognitions:
Editor of any Scientific Journal/ member of editorial board
Fund received/ Grant received:
Any Other
Research guidance:
1. A pre- experimental study to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge of Hypertension among pre hypertensive staff and effectiveness of Deep Breathing Excercises in lowering Blood Pressure in Pre- hypertensive staff of age 25-40 years, working in different non- medical faculties of SGT University Gurugram.
2. A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Biomedical waste management in terms of knowledge and attitude among B.Sc nsg 2nd year students of SGT University at Gurugram, Haryana.
3. A pre experimental study to assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on knowledge regarding early sign of pulmonary tuberculosis among community peoples at selected areas of Gurugram.
Ph D:
No of papers published:
Book Chapter (s):
Book Authored:
Any Other
No.: Attended
Conferences: 12
Guest Lectures Delivered:
Resorece Person /Chairperson in a session:
Event(s) organized by department: 3
Any Other  
Any Other Information