0124-2278183 -185

Dr. Pooja Pant | Faculty of Agriculture Sciences

IQACDr. Pooja Pant | Faculty of Agriculture Sciences
Name Dr. Pooja Pant
Punch Line
Designation Assistant Professor
Email [email protected]
Mobile Number 9582212959
Educational Qualification: Program Year of Passing Board /University
Bachelors B.Sc. 2008 Kumaun University, Nanital
Masters (Specialization) M.Sc. Ag (Horticulture) 2010 GBPUA&T, Pantnagar
Doctorate (Specialization) Ph.D (Horticulture) 2013 GBPUA&T, Pantnagar
Any Other Net Qualified 2017 ASRB
Work Experience:(in Years)
Total 5.9
Academics 5.9
Any Other
Recognition and awards
Membership of Associations: 2
Awards & recognitions: 2
Editor of any Scientific Journal/ member of editorial board
Fund received/ Grant received:
Any Other
Research guidance:
Master’s 1
Ph D
No. of papers published:
National: 2
International: 5
Book Chapter (s):
Book Authored:
Any Other Popular article: 05, Technical Bulletin: 01, Pamphlet: 01
No.: Attended
Conferences: 5
Seminars: 8
Guest Lectures Delivered:
Resource Person /Chairperson in a session:
Event(s) organized by department: 3
Any Other
Any Other Information
National research papers

  1. Pant, Pooja, Nautiyal, M.C and Singh, C.P. 2015. Effect of different pruning levels on fruit yield and quality of promising peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) cultivars. Progressive Horticulture, 47(1): 69-72.
  2. Pant, Pooja and Punetha, Parul. 2011. Horticultural crops as a source of prebiotics. Progressive Agriculture, 11, 253-262.

International research papers

  1. Pant, Pooja and Nautiyal, M.C. 2018. Impact of various pruning intensities on fruit yield and quality of peach (Prunus persica (L.)) cultivars under mid hill condition of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 16(2), 132-134.
  2. Pant, Pooja and Singh, C.P. 2018. Response of Pre and Post-Harvest Chemical Applications on StorageLife, Quality and Cost Economics of Mango cv. Dashehari in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(11): 2755-2760.
  3. Singh, C.P. and Pant, Pooja. 2018.Studies on the effect of different doses of neem cake on fruit yield, quality, sex expression and plant mortality rate in Carica papaya (L.) cv. ‘Pant papaya-1’. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 16(3), 206-208.
  4. Pant, Pooja and Singh, C.P. 2014. Response of pre-harvest spray of chemicals on shelf life and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Dashehari. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 12(3), 374-378.
  5. Singh, Mohinder, Babli, Khedwal, R.S., Pant, Pooja and Yadav, Yashpal. 2019. Effect of different nutrient scheduling on yield attributes and yield of different timely sown wheat cultivars. International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology, 10(1):60-63.

Popular articles

  1. Pooja Pant. Nutritional benefits of coloured fruits and vegetables. Indian Farmers’ Digest, 52(12): 39-40 (December, 2019)
  2. Pooja Pant and K.R. Dabur. Nimbu ki vaigyanik kheti se aarthik sudhradta. Krishi Jagran, 25(9): 52-55. (September, 2019)
  3. Pooja Pant. Vertical Garden: An idea for small space gardening. Floriculture Today, 23(11): 32-33. (April, 2019).
  4. Pooja Pant. Tissue Softening in Mango: Physiology & Management. Agriculture World, December 2018: 74-77.
  5. Pooja Pant and C.P. Singh. Super fruits: Can one a day keep the doctor away? Indian Farmer’s Digest, 51(1): 35-36.
  6. Pooja Pant. Rejuvenation of Senile and Unproductive Orchard. Krishisewa, 1September, 2018.


  1. Pooja Pant and K.R. Dabur. 2019. Shusk pushpon ke mulyavardhan dwara rozgar srijan. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana.

Technical Bulletin

Pooja Pant and K.R. Dabur. 2019. Urban Gardening Kit. SGT-DIY. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana.